Fire and EMS
We are excited to announce that our brand new class, Basic Emergency Medical Treatment for Agricultural Related Emergencies, has been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Health! Areas of focus include basic agricultural and farm procedure and equipment awareness, discussion of common types of emergencies encountered in agricultural and farming operations, how to mitigate, stabilize and treat these emergencies, and an exercise that offers practical experience that can be transferred to operations in the EMS field.
We are also proud to offer the following custom-authored training classes that are recognized for Pennsylvania Department of Health continuing education credits:
Police, Fire and EMS: We are One Team
Trip Sheets on Trial: Courtroom Testimony
One Hundred Days: Treating the Stem Cell Patient
This Is the Real World: Linking Classroom and Practical EMS Skills
Basic Ropes and Rigging for EMS Providers
Us Vs. Them: An Interactive Experience for Dispatch Staff and Emergency Services Providers
Remote Area Medical Extraction (full version; survey version; Zoom-based survey version)
Basic Emergency Medical Treatment for Agricultural-Related Emergencies (full version - live; survey version - video-conference based)
We offer the Bleeding Control for the Injured (B-CON) course, as well numerous Pennsylvania Department of Health approved continuing education classes and training.
Finally, we are excited to work with you for your department or organizational CPR and First Aid needs. For more information, please click "CPR and First Aid" on the menu to the left.