Engineering Meets Creativity
One summer Saturday morning, I was headed to see a buddy of mine in New Jersey, and scanning through the radio stations (yes... the radio - before podcasts and Apple Music), I came across Click and Clack (aka Tom and Ray Magliozzi) - the hosts of a show called Car Talk on NPR. Typically I wouldn't listen to NPR, but there was something different about this show - yea, it solved car problems... but it was funny. It was entertaining. And I learned a lot without even realizing it.
Years later, after the Brothers retired from the show (and Tom passed away), the show's producer, Doug Berman, gave a Ted Talk about the creative process he used to come up with Car Talk. As I watched the talk, I realized that the ideas and processes he used can also apply to fire and EMS - whether changing the way we teach, challenging us to develop a better way to do something "we've always done another way", or to get a new member excited about joining our emergency responder family.
I hope you learn just as much as I did from Doug's talk.